CompuTec Integrated Solutions is pleased to announce our partnership with Collaborative Metrix, an advanced analytics advisor in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Intelligence (AugI). Their models are specifically designed to help businesses such as yours utilize data to drive sales.  

Our analytics specialists deliver data driven tools and system driven actions to improve your business operations and sales process efficiencies. We use data from your internal systems and external sources to create better and more accurate predictive models. 

Let us show you how your data can work for you!

For a limited time, we are offering our valued customers a trial of services in a standalone starter kit. The only cost to you is a little time to gather the data.

The AI and AugI projects we’ve found most useful for companies to deploy quickly and drive sales include:

  • Web2Sales — use web server log data and enterprise sales order history to predict and prompt immediate in-person salesperson activity for a customer given their use of the website 
  • Cross Sell Recommendation Models — provide smart, targeted cross sell recommendations for both website and in-person sales events based on customer and customer type history
  • Customer Retention— analyze factors indicating customer dissatisfaction or near term departure to target retention efforts
  • Shipping Loss Prevention — identify factors that indicate orders will cost more to ship than the shipping charge, track these over time for deeper insight

If this is your first endeavor in AI and AugI, the starter kit is user-friendly and includes support and guidance. Many clients who have used these models have seen their online sales increase and their in-person sales benefit too. Contact us today to learn more on how YOUR data can drive sales!

Data Management

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