Creating realistic New Year’s business resolutions is a great starting point to succeed in 2016. Here are three areas of improvement and possible solutions that can help you start the year in a productive and positive way:

1. Make customer service a top priority
No matter how innovative your product is, or how clever of an ad campaign that you come up with, without quality service, your business will suffer. Consumers are far more likely to share their bad customer service experiences than they are to talk about positive experiences. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is an essential element to an ERP system because it provides 360 degree visibility to the information about the people with whom you do business, as well as the individuals within your organization. It helps manage information, not only about traditional customers and suppliers, but also other business relationships such as potential customers (prospects), and competitors. CRM gives you instant on-screen access to all relevant customer information that can provide a high level of customer service with minimal cost.

2. Gain valued financial insight into the business
Analytics provide the ability to measure your business in today’s highly competitive environment. The data is pulled from an analytical framework that builds and supports the key performance indicators of your business. ERP automates manual processes and is the single point of control for analytics that enable you make informed business decisions. You can get the answers you need quickly and easily, resulting in improved decision-making and ultimately, better business performance.

3. Improve analysis of real time forecasting
Forecasting can play a major role in driving company success by increasing your visibility into your supply chain. A fully integrated solution enables tracking of items from the source to the end location in real time. Algorithms predict future sales based on historic demand and enables you to easily identify those products that can be a better option for future sale. An ERP solution provides your team with the necessary tools you would need to identify improvements that can be made in your supply chain.

Take the time to reflect on the year and focus on how to refine your ERP strategy to align with your 2016 business goals.  We here at CompuTec Integrated Solutions want to wish you and your business a happy, healthy and prosperous year.

CompuTec Integrated Solutions is an IBM Business Partner, focusing on ERP solutions for over 21 years.  To learn more about ERP solutions and how CompuTec Integrated Solutions can help your business, please visit our website  or contact us below:

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